Mgr. Jakub Honzík, LL.M.

Solicitor of England and Wales


Sophisticated legal services

Transparent approach to client relations

Effective protection of client's rights

Lawyer profile

Mgr. Jakub Honzík, LL.M.
Attorney-at-law l Solicitor of England and Wales

I am a lawyer with experience obtained both in small and large international law firms. I provide legal services in all areas of Czech law as well as English law and in selected areas of European law. I began my legal career in England, where I studied English law at the University of Warwick and later practised in the area of Banking and Finance in a large international law firm. After obtaining my degree in Czech law at the Charles University in Prague, I also practised within a small private client focused law firm, gaining valuable experience with the more client-focused provision of legal services. Building on my experience, I qualified both as attorney-at-law in the Czech Republic and as Solicitor of England and Wales in the United Kingdom and most importantly, I learned to provide professional legal services tailored to the needs of individual clients. My general experience from different kinds of law firms attending to different kinds of clients enabled me to gain expertise, which allows me to offer my clients highly individualized service with the aim of providing the right options in wide range of issues – whether the issue incorporates negotiation, litigation or enforcement and whether the matter concerns criminal, civil or corporate law. I prefer long term cooperation with my clients, based on mutual trust and fruitful cooperation.

Whenever I first meet with a new client, my first objective is to gain as much understanding of the matter at hand as possible, but also of all surrounding circumstances necessary to properly determine my client’s immediate needs as well as his or her long term objectives. I always provide my clients with individualized solutions and seek to keep them informed of all possible alternatives while explaining the pros and cons of each individual option. It is my belief that a well informed client can make informed decisions and it is attorney’s duty to assist his client while making these decisions. I always seek to provide realistic estimates of success and to make sure, that my client is aware of the strength of legal arguments underlining his or her case. Additionally, I always fully inform my clients about any recent developments in the matter as well as providing them with realistic cost estimates in order to allow them to always keep track of costs and disbursements. It is not my objective to litigate at all costs and pursue every legal option without regard to costs – the final decision about how to proceed is always made by the client who must be fully aware of all cost implications and of the viability of each option. I deal with my clients in a transparent and open manner as mutual trust is a cornerstone of any business relationship.

Professional qualifications and education

Mgr. Jakub Honzík, LL.B., LL.M.

U Pernikářky 1713/12, 150 00 Praha
Phone:  +420 723 109 050

Professional qualifications

2019 Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme – registered with the Solicitors Regulation Authority as Solicitor of England and Wales
2019 Czech Bar Exam – registered with the Czech Bar Association as attorney-at-law under reg. no. 18859



2016 Law and legal science (Mgr.) – Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Law
2015 Legal Practice Course (LL.M) – University of Law, London, United Kingdom
2013 European Law (LL.M) – University of London, London, United Kingdom
2012 Geopolitical Studies (Mgr.) – Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences
2010 Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) Qualifying Degree – University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom


  • Evidence inadmissibility in czech and english criminal proceedings,
    published in collective monography Jiří Jelínek et al., Evidence in criminal proceedings in the context of due process. Leges, 2018, pp. 262-281. ISBN 978-80-7502-287-5.
  • Regulative approaches to the shared economy in the USA and EU,
    published in collective monography Jan Pichrt, Radim Boháč, Jakub Morávek (eds.), Shared economy – shared legal problem? Wolters Kluwer, 2017, pp. 267-279. ISBN 978-80-7552-874-2.

Additional information including media citations can be found HERE

Legal services

I provide legal services in all areas of law and seek to support my clients in all kinds of endeavors, whether they are personal (e.g. during divorce proceedings) or corporate in nature (e.g. setting up a trust fund). My aim is to be able to provide a comprehensive range of legal services ranging from family law to criminal and corporate matters. I have established lasting business relations with dependable assessors, translators, private detectives and tax advisors in order to be able to provides truly holistic approach to solving legal problems and facilitating transactions. As my portfolio of legal experience is general in nature, I have extensive experience in civil, criminal and corporate matters. In line with strict ethical codes of various Bar associations I am a member of, I base my services on confidentiality, primacy of client interests over my own, good practice standards, reliability and most importantly – trust.

Selected legal services

Criminal law

Business law

Civil law

Expats, legal services for foreigners

I provide legal services to foreigners in Prague, whether they are residents or visitors. I can help you make sense of czech legal environment and assure, that your rights are secured to the largest extent. I advise foreign clients in the Czech republic in all areas of law, typically in cases concerning residence, taxes, real estate transactions, setting up companies and litigation (both civil as well as criminal). I will make sure, that my clients will not be taken advantage of and that they will be able to make fully informed decisions when dealing with their affairs in family, employment, business or tax-related matters.

English law

I am fully qualified to provide legal services in the Czech Republic as an attorney-at-law (“advokát”). Additionally, I qualified as a Solicitor of England and Wales. Therefore, I am a member of both the Solicitors Regulation Authority in the United Kingdom and the Czech Bar Association in the Czech Republic. My dual qualification enables me to provide sophisticated legal service in both domestic and international matters. I have extensive experience with contracts governed by English law. I often advise my English clients, who want to establish their businesses, acquire real estate, or litigate in the Czech Republic. I diligently provide legal services in the quality to which they are used from abroad. I enjoy a unique synergy of experience from both common law as well as continental civil law which enables me to comprehensively explain the nuances of differences in customs and legal norms to my clients and defend their interests with attention to their special needs stemming from their experience from a different legal culture. To my Czech clients on the other hand, I can offer a comprehensive legal advice on all matters governed by English law. I am also authorized to provide non-reserved legal services directly in the United Kingdom.

In 2020, I was elected the first president of newly established Association of English Law – a society of dually qualified lawyers in the Czech Republic.

Czech and English legal services in Prague – always with the higher standard of client care.


Hourly fee – 3.000 CZK per hour plus VAT

Hourly rate guaranteed regardless of which language legal services are provided in or whether Czech or English law is applied.

Retainer fee

A retainer monthly fee for agreed amount of hours at discounted hourly rate can be agreed with individual clients.

Flat fee

Often also referred to as “fixed rate”. A specific amount is agreed beforehand for a given task such as e.g.: sale of property or uncontested divorce.

Contingency fee

Also called “success fee”. The fee is based on a percentage of the amount awarded in a given case. In accordance with ethical standards, this will usually not be higher than 25%. Contingency fees are not available in certain types of proceedings (e.g.: as a fee for criminal defence).

Special offer for corporate clients

10 hours of legal services for monthly retainer fee of 15.000 CZK per month plus VAT. Every additional hour will be charged with a standard hourly fee. Legal service includes litigation, representation before court or any other institution, criminal defence, legal consultations, drafting of contracts and other documents, legal opinions and other types of legal services in accordance with client’s requirements.

I provide legal service in both Czech and English language. Commancement of work is possible immediatelly after payment of sufficient deposit, from which the fee is continuously covered. Unused deposit is returned to the client on demand. All services are properly accounted for to the client. The invoice for legal service does not include a detailed description of individual items – such list is provided to the client together with the invoice. The client is always kept fully informed about remaining funds available as part of the deposit for legal services, or in case that the matter is evolving in such as way, that requires significant re-evaluation of costs. The fee does not include disbursements (such as administrative fees or travel expenses). The fee and disbursements are also subject to VAT.

“Give me a call. We’ll figure it out.”

– Jakub Honzík

Discounted initial consultation

As part of the initial consultation, I will collect all the necessary information about the matter at hand as well as all other relevant circumstances necessary for provision of legal service. At the end of the consultation, I will briefly outline possible options for further action. I will explain pros and cons of each option and provide the client with my suggestion as well as preliminary cost estimation. The client does not have to sign any contract for provision of legal services immediatelly, but instead, he or she may take all documents home and decide whether to hire me. Furthermore, the client will be provided with copies of the draft contract, necessary powers of attorney and a written information brief containing a comprehensive list of client’s rights, information about fee and disbursements policies, modes of communication with attorney, personal data protection, confidentiality rules, right to complain to the Bar Association, rights and duties of attorney under law, professional indemnity insurance, etc… I make it a cornerstone of my practice that I deal with my clients in a transparent and open manner. Provision of legal service can begin immediatelly after signing of the contract for the provsion of legal services, necessary powers of attorney where applicable and payment of sufficient deposit. I provide initial consultation at a discounted rate of 1.000 CZK for every 30 minutes.


Mgr. Jakub Honzík, LL.M.

Attorney-at-law l Solicitor of England and Wales


U Pernikářky 1713/12
150 00 Praha 5

Czech Bar Association reg. no.: 18859
SRA ID no.: 604678

Document exchange: krc8jum

The office is located in residential area of Hřebenky, in a street with available parking (no residential parking zones). For public transport, please take the tram to station Klamovka at Plzeňská street and continue on foot through Podbělohorská street and Pod Lipkami street or take the bus to station U Palaty and continue on foot through Na Hřebenkách street.

Consultations take place at the above address after prior appointment.

In exceptional circumstances (such as e.g. road accident, arrest, dawn raid at business premises), I can arrive at the scene following our agreement over the phone and after agreeing conditions with the client, I can begin to provide legal service immediately.

Contact form

9 + 12 =

Disclaimer: Information and opinions that we introduce on our website do not constitute any legal advice and cannot be used in a particular legal matter. Content of these web pages does not constitute an offer to enter into a legal service contract.

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